Thursday, May 21, 2009

Human Pain

بنی آدم اعضای یک پیکرندکه در آفرينش ز یک گوهرند
چو عضوى به درد آورد روزگاردگر عضوها را نماند قرار
تو کز محنت دیگران بی غمینشاید که نامت نهند آدمی

Human beings are members of a whole,
In creation of one essence and soul.
If one member is afflicted with pain,
Other members uneasy will remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
The name of human you cannot retain.
This poem is a famous poem in Iran

talking about poverty afflicting pain to one

and thus, afflicting the pain to a community in entirety.

I can't remember the author of it.

Just wanna share with all of you.

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