Sunday, May 17, 2009

This is so sad...

Hell!!!! Guys I really hate to discuss Poverty. Reality nearly kills my heart. I came in library to do research on it. I opened and typed poverty picture… ohhh!!! God the first picture I saw was horrible. I couldn’t speak; I was just staring at that picture. The picture was of an African baby nearly dieing. No one to support, no mom, no dad, no clothes, no food, no friends and no future. It didn’t even look like baby. It looked like skeleton wrapped with only skin and the worst part was a big vulture was waiting for its prey, as in that boy.
This is that freaking picture.

What is poverty?

Is it the condition that led the child towards death?

Is it the photographer’s indifference to the condition of the child?

I am very emotional person. I can’t see any thing which is very disturbing. I cant see anyone in trouble or in pain. My eyes were full of tears but I was trying to hide it because I was in library.

I asked question to myself... Why is this happening? Why there is so much of difference around the world? I was thinking of my silly idea that how can I support these people? How can I help these children dieing of poverty and starvation. Suddenly my Senegalese friend from West Africa Moussa came and sat by my side. I showed those pictures.

He said it is WORSE than this in Africa.

Then we thanked God that he has given us such a good life without any pain, sorrow despair and suffering . Thank God for the kind of life I have and also for my loving beloved parents.


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