Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Education is the key to progress.

First of all we should recognize that there are different forms of poverty, and each has a different solution.

Third-World Poverty - The one that is “advertised” the most is third world poverty. You see TV commercials trying to get people to donate money to support a child who lives in a squatter city. The ad really gets you going. You feel sorry for the little girl who has lost her mother and has little to eat. It is sad that the child is not privileged to eat three meals a day. But the question is do we need to help the people in squatter cities?

Solution: I believe sending money to these third world countries is extremely inefficient. Naturally, things will get better. Pouring more money in has a minimal effect. Putting money into to technology that would provide free energy, free internet, or open source architecture would be a much better investment of our time and money. So the solution is to do nothing. Yes, I did say do nothing. Market economies and technologies will be the solution.

Situational Poverty - This form of poverty occurs when Bob loses his job or has a severe medical condition, and is unemployed for a long period. The loss of a job should not mean Bob’s family should become homeless.

Solution: Make sure Bob gets support when he loses his job or help with the medical bills. Provide training and education if necessary. Make sure that he can get to and from job interviews. This form of poverty is very simple. Bob can get another job or can recover from his illness, we just have to give him a chance.

Generational Poverty - This is the form of poverty that is absolutely unacceptable in the 21st century. This is when children are unable to succeed in school, unable to get a decent job, and will have the same fate as his or her parents and grandparents: poverty.

Solution: The solution is Education! We are setting up our children for failure. Education fails to teach students the basic understandings of life. A good example is finances. Students should not be able to graduate unless they understand finances. This is one of many reasons we are currently in the economic crisis we are in today.

Too many people did not

1) understand adjustable rate loans

2) know when to stop spending and

3) know how to manage their money.

Children should be taught these basic understandings in high school. Who cares if the student learns anything, if they can’t survive in the real world its all MEANINGLESS.

Education is also important when it comes to health. Students are not taught about healthy diets, the importance of regular sleep, and exercise (not to mention many schools are eliminating PE and recess).

What happens in generational poverty is children are very narrow minded, all they see is their parents. Their parents are continuously getting government handouts, and that is all the child sees. Why work? My parents don’t work and they get money. They don’t understand that there is a better life that is achieved by working and earning your own money. It is the responsibility of education to show students the world. They should be able to see what is out there.

Experience it.

Education is the NUMBER ONE issue in the world. It should be the number one issue in the presidential debates. It is education that will rid the world of poverty. It is education that will end wars. It is education that will provide universal healthcare. It is all about education.


Let's make Poverty History, a thing of the past.

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