Sunday, June 7, 2009


Please please feel free to give some comments about our Poverty Video.

Meanwhile, enjoy watching it too XD

By the way, before we actually started making our video, we wrote a plan of what we wanted to do for our video to make things more organized. =]

However, we made some slight changes.

What are the changes? Don't ask me.

Watch the video to find out the differences yourself.

Nadia and Sherlin: Jinni
Peyman: Father
Bobby: Mother
Aland: Eldest Son
Nasir: Son
ZiKang: Youngest Son
Bikram: Son

Scene 1#Morning
· Introducing family members of different races, different skin colours. A poor family. Framed photo.
· Mother slicing a grain of rice distributing the sliced pieces among her sons. Everyone still feels hungry.
· Rice and biscuits decreasing day by day, bits by bits.
· Then Mother finds a worm. Slices it into several pieces and wants to feed her sons.
· Her sons – Are we really going to eat that?
· Mother- Why not? It’s crunchy and delicious. Your mama has such a nice complexion because I have been eating this wholesome delicacy since small.
· Sons: Ewwwww!!

Scene 2#Morning/Afternoon
· Meanwhile, Father and eldest son are away to find some food for family, knowing that food at home is running out.
· A triangular model falls out of nowhere, presumably from the sky.
· Father and Son are surprised as it falls right in front of them. Gaze up to the sky. Puzzled looks.
· Pick up the model. Play with it. Then keep it in pocket.

Scene 3#Night
· Eldest son toys with the model. Asks brothers to have a look at it.
· Finally have the model fixed into the right facet.
· Model shines and floats abruptly.
· Smoke effects. Jinni comes out. – your wishes are my commands.
· All brothers get a shock and feel intimidated. Then ask if is it that they will fulfill any kind of wish. The jinni say of course and brag about their might and power.
First wish: Chocolate ( an accident)
Second wish: improves mum and dad’s living condition
Third wish: I want a gigantic tree to be grown in every poor country. I want the people to Tree of heavenly fruits to quell their hunger.
Jinni were touched and grant them unlimited wealth and eternal health.

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